no transmit but shows good output
cobra 29 ltd wx classic, good receive no transmit.showes it has good signal but no one hears it
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cobra 29 ltd wx classic, good receive no transmit.showes it has good signal but no one hears it
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Check your mic as well as your mic connection. Try a different one and see what happens.
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+ could be that no one wants to talk to you. Ask for a radio check.
My radio letter goes to 0 when tx far right when RX MODE WHY HOW DO I FIX IT. WHERE DO I GO TO REMOVE THE PART OUT.
If it has a PA switch on your CB you can plug earphones in the output on the back,, to check your MIC.
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Why can't I receive any response from my cb radio please the needle moves from 9 to 30 plus but I just can't hear anything I have a dx button on just seem to be getting a lot of squelch and I am also using a modulator aerial
In this case sounds like bad mic or mic gain turned down or the audio section of the transmit board is open
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Does it have a meter on it? If yes, does the meter move wen you whistle into the microphone? (that is rude on the air but for lack of test equipment..)
Put a small AM radio right near the antenna and talk into the mike. Usually it will accidentally pick up the voice signal and you should hear it. It may squeal if the radio is loud and the mike picks up your signal.
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The only thing with saying the finals have blown is that the original poster indicates the meter is still swinging over on tx but nobody hears him. If the finals had blown, I have never known a CB radio yet that still swings the meter on a key, the needle always stays dead or incredibly low once the outputs are shot. CB RADIO INFORMATION I would be concentrating on the antenna side of the equation, providing you even have one ?
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thanks for this, because its helping me diagnose my needle not swinging, and what you say fully makes more sense, from an engineering perspective. so, the light is on behind the needle, but doesnt swing (cobra 29 wx), i suspected my finals, cant find alot of info on that readily, yet, then now i think you have pointed to a much more likely solution, my microphone. i suspected that as well but underestimated its role in transmit, for some reason... Everything has been in moisture for a few years, a wet wildewed box to top off, YA THINK THE MIKE MIGHT BE BAD?? Im going to see about replacing that first, because i dont have a backup to test it with, ill bet you i can meter it and find something out... thanks for the tips :-)
With the speaker side down, set the radio on a flat surface. Remove the microphone plug from the radio. Look at the socket the mike plug came out of. You will see a four pin connection. Look closely at the four pins. One of them has a small bump or notch near it. To the left of that notch is the ground pin. To the right of that notch is the receive pin. Above the ground pin is the mike pin. Above the receive pin is the transmit pin.
With the radio turned on and the mike removed, take a small horseshoe shaped piece of wire and touch one end of it to the ground pin and the other end to the transmit pin. This will key the transmitter. If the needle on the meter does not move, you likely have a blown final. If the needle does move, you have a bad microphone or blown audio output IC.
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odds are the mic is fine. Mine is, but has the same problem. In my experience, it's much more likely that the finals have blown and need to be replaced. Any competent CB shop can do this in a matter of minutes. If you are even moderately competent with a soldering iron, you can do it yourself.
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Sounds like your radio is off frequency. Try changing channels on the radio you are transmitting on and leave the receiving radio on the previous frequency.
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Kinda vague here Eric. Can you be more specific? What model of uniden and what manufacturer of antenna?
And, what are you refering to when you broadcast at under 2? Meanwhile, check your mic connection and your antenna connection, also your power to the radio connection. Be sure your antenna cable is not pinched or cut. Is the antenna adjustable?
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I'll have to check the model numbers. But i have checked and re-checked the connections. And the antenna has no cuts. The antanna is adjustable. It matched to just under 2.
OK. Your match sounds good. Does the radio indicate that it is broadcasting at full rate, does the needle or leds show positive gain? Of course a good way to test this is with another radio or walkie talkie.
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The led shows im transmitting at full power. But my uncle has a cb and i lose him when i get only a block away.
Sounds like it may be the antenna. try the ol' switcheroo with your uncle. Put your radio on his antenna and his radio on yours. See what happens.
You need a new mic and also a new antenna.
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you need a new mic or the audio chip has gone out. fix.
Broken coax near the base usually indicates a stress fracture. Likely caused when the cable was bent in cold weather.
Definitely try another antenna before you do an un-needed repair on your radio. If that doesn’t work, try a different microphone. In the event that neither solution works, your radio may need repair. Also, check that SWR.
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Cobra 29 plus will not transmit. changed the final and driver. still will not transmit
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Might very well be that the transmission Crystal has been below due to bad Ssw or bad earth / ground etc need to replace another 27mhz crystal.
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Sure the Mic working properly ?
Use it on another set to test it out if it's that !
Try another CB mic just had same problem turns out my Astatic mic went
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Cobra 29 LTD dead Keying with out a mic hooked up to the radio so how do I fix it from dead keying constantly need to stop dead keying without a microphone please tell me
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Cobra 29 LTD Chrome constantly dead keying without a microphone need to be fixed can you help me please
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18 Комментариев
I have a connex 4600 turbo that keys up but will not talk or receive
из barryholland87
Most likely a blown audio output IC. This is the little amplifier that gives your radio its sound.
из Mike Kay
I have a Cobra 29lx and it transmit static and No Modulation. It has modulation thru talk back but only static thru transmit? ANY Answers
из Stephen Emig
Since talkback doesn't need an antenna, I would try using a different antenna for transmit. Also, use some different coax. Any cheap big box store magnet mount with coax should work for this test.
из Mike Kay
i've got a general lee mobile it's got a good receive but got no transmit got a little auido on talk back help please thanks (fisherman in kentucky.
из Troy Hurd
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