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S8 новейший флагманский смартфон компании Samsung, представленный на Unpacked 2017 в апреле.

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Glass only replacement strength/quality?

Hi, managed to break my S8 glass…I’ve found a company that does glass only repairs at a good price…however none of these places use OEM glass. Assuming all the panels come from China we don’t know what quality andf strength they are. Question is if I pay to have it replaced, is it just going to break if I look at it wrong, or do they use similar to gorilla glass 5 spec? Anyone have experience? thanks

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The glass only replacements typically are pretty strong. I would not worry about it that much but just take a little extra precaution to not drop it.

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Did you get it replaced? If so how much and where? I need it done too.

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