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27" display with 2560 x 1440 pixels resolution Thunderbolt & MagSafe cable attachments

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Advice re: All-in-one Thunderbolt cable replacement

In response to my Apple Thunderbolt monitor going on the blink, I purchased a male/male thunderbolt 2 cable. Everything worked fine for a couple of weeks and then a few of the old issues peeped up again, including a slow and sometimes fussy (ie: LAN shutting off) internet connection. This makes me wonder if the .5 meter thunderbolt cable is less effective than the all-in-one. I haven’t been able to find any comparison.

The monitor (sorry, I couldn’t find a place to ask this under a monitor section) is also from 2011. I’ve currently plugged the LAN cable right into the MacBookPro but the internet has still be stodgy. Also helpful to know is that I’ve just put in a SSD and made it squeaky clean with CleanMyMac. There’s also plenty of RAM. Any insight would be much appreciated! Liz

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Which cable did you get the active one or the passive? Also who's?


Hi Dan, I wasn't aware there was a choice. It's an original Apple cable, purchased in the Netherlands. I'll do my best to translate the specifications:

Manufacturer's code: md862zm/a

Works for: all MacBooks with Thunderbolt 2 connections

UTP category - is not applicable. It also doesn't have 'quick charge functionality'.

The user reviews indicated it was a replacement for the all-in-one cable.



Here's a bit more on the differences The technology inside Apple’s $50 Thunderbolt cable Your display needs a passive cable to work properly.


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Выбранное решение

Maybe the best answer here is to get the full cable harness Genuine Apple A1407 Thunderbolt Display Signal Cable Assembly 922-9941. The cable you got is an active cable the way you can tell is look at the length of the connector housing. The longer unit is active and the shorter passive. Apple no longer sells a passive Thunderbolt 2 cable from what I understand at the Apple Stores.

Update (09/24/2018)

Here’s the IFIXIT guide to replace the cable Apple Thunderbolt Display Thunderbolt & MagSafe Cable Replacement

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Hi Dan. If the longer connector housing indicates an active cable, then my monitor came with an active Thunderbolt cable. I might go the route of replacing the all-in-one but such a big job certainly deserves a new cable, and it doesn't look like Apple is making those anymore. And in my research, I've learned that once I replace my MacBook Pro, this cable will lose some of its functioning anyway, so the question is whether it's worth it. It is discouraging to have invested in the 'perfect' monitor (big, pure art on the desk, such quality to work with) that has a weak spot in a mere cable. So goes it in the world of Apple technology, I am learning. Thanks for helping me along in the learning curve, Dan.


Not following you here... Replacing the displays cable harness won't lower the displays ability. You do have the Thunderbolt display don't you: A1407?


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Liz будет вечно благодарен.
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