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The April 2014 update of the 11" MacBook Air packs refreshed dual-core i5 and i7 Haswell processors and slightly increased battery performance.

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I spilled water on my MacBook Air

While I was drinking a bottle of spring water I spilled some on my Mac. It wasn’t much but just enough to do some damage to the keyboard. Some of the keys on the keyboard won’t type anything including the delete button. I searched the web for every answer I could possibly find. I tried flipping it over and letting it dry, I even spread rice on the keyboard. The computer is also very laggy and takes awhile to respond when I click on something. This isn’t because of my wifi because my wifi is always working and is perfectly fine. I refuse to take off the bottom of the computer to see inside the computer. I do not have the proper screws to do so and I do not want to pay a huge amount of money something I can fix myself. How can I fix my computer without taking it apart?

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In order to have this computer working again, you must as soon as possible disassemble everything and clean it with <90% Isopropyl Alcohol. If you don’t, your Mac is off to computer heaven. You can find guides on how to remove certain parts down below.

MacBook Air 11" Early 2014

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