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Problems After Screen Replacement

See video for details. It basically starts up with a bright white light and then turns into vertical lines. It also sometimes displays 5 lock screens vertically. I have already tried a soft reset, but it had no effect.

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Выбранное решение

Do you still have the original screen in a somewhat working condition? If so, try the original screen and see if this problem persists. That way we can rule out the screen.

Update (10/07/2018)

@blewisgabriel Sounds like we have our problem solved! If you wish you can buy another replacement screen at the link below. Go ahead and mark this as correct for completion sake.

iPhone 4S Screen

iPhone 4S Screen Изображение


iPhone 4S Screen


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I am working on that now...I will post an update.


@blewisgabriel Sounds like a plan! Keep us posted :-}


@ajcooke01 Well, I put the old screen back on and it works without a problem. I guess it is just a defective screen.


@ajcooke01 I tried putting the new screen back on and now the picture vibrates. Do you know anything about this?


@blewisgabriel You mean the phone won’t stop vibrating?


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If you still have the original LCD screen, put it back in and see if it does the same thing. It might be a defective / bad 3rd party screen you have there, or it has been damaged. A similar sort of white to gray vignette and vertical lines problem happened to my LG Optimus L90 - that is, after I put it through some physical stress tests.

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