Sanyo FVE3963 screen turns on and then right back off again.

I have a Sanyo FVE3963 TV I am repairing that will power on, and the screen lights up for a second or two and then the screen goes black and the power stays on. I have checked the screen with a flashlight to see if it was a dead back light, but when doing this I do not see anything on the screen. I do not know if the sound is working or not because I don’t know what input it is set to and the what pops up on screen is in Spanish and I do not speak Spanish.

I have checked the boards and no capacitors are blown on any of the boards and there are no singe marks on any of the boards so I do not believe anything has popped on any of the boards. I checked some voltages and all voltages leaving the power board were correct according to what is printed next to the pins on the circuit board. The two boards which I have narrowed the fault down to are the Tcon/inverter board and the LCD control board. I could not get any readings on the LCD board because of how small the contacts are compared to my multimeter leads, but I did get readings off the Tcon/inverter board. On the pins of the board leading to the lcd panel I am getting 46-50V on the VLED pins at startup and once the screen goes dark again the voltage begins to steadily drop on these pins from 46-50V down to 24.6V where it levels out. All other pins are data pins or grounds. The data pins give such small readings they were in mV, but I did not write those down since they seemed to be correct for data lines given other devices I have worked on with data lines.

What I don’t know is which board should I try to replace the LCD controller board or the Tcon/inverter board. I could replace both, but would rather not put more money into this repair than is necessary.

Please let me know in the comments any other multimeter measurements are needed I can easily go get them from the TV.

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