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A television game console produced by Sony Computer Entertainment; the PlayStation 4 Slim (CUH-2000 Series) is a thinner replacement model for the original PS4. Announced September 7, 2016.

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My ps4 is not turning on at all. I already replaced the power supply!

I already replaced the power supply. I already tried blowing the dust off. I tried plugging the cable directly into the wall.

The controller still works, I tried connecting the controller to the ps4 to turn the ps4 on but nothing.

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I too replaced my psu and even my power cable yet it didn't work.

How I fixed it was removing all the screws on the top part and even the two long torx security screws holding down the metal plate, and then I connected the power cable and instead of pressing the power button I pressed the eject button.

It's gonna beep and just when it beeps hit the power button and it should boot right away.

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