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The larger version of Samsung's flagship phone, the Galaxy S8+. Released in April 2017.

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Why does my Galaxy S8 Plus randomly shut off?

So this started a long time ago but it was very rare so it never really bothered me. but it has become a problem because it does it almost every day, sometimes multiple times. So out of nowhere it will just shut off. and i am able to turn it back on but as soon as it gets to the lockscreen it shuts right back off. i can keep turning it on as many times as i want but it takes several times for it to get to where it will stay on. or i can leave it alone for about five minutes or so and turn it on and it will stay on. it only does it when im using it, it wont do it on its own while its sitting on a table. it does this no matter what the charge percentage is at but if i plug it into its charger after it shuts off,it will act as if it died and it will show a battery with a lightning bolt in it indicating that it needs to be charged to be turned back on. but its not actually dead. please help!this ssue has plagued me for so long and its continually getting worse. i am considering buying a battery replacement kit from this website because i dont know what else to do. the only thing i can think of that might have anything to do with it is that i have been using a micro usb cable with the usb-c adapter to charge it every night but im pretty sure this problem started before i was doing that.

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I've had an S8 since its release, it’s a magnificent smartphone, its always worked and never ever let me down, its probably the best Samsung phone ever made as I’ve had most of Samsung Galaxy since the S4 and earlier the Google phones made by Samsung e.g. Nexus S, Galaxy Nexus. I've never ever had this problem and it just sounds weird! Seeing that you have done a factory reset, I suggest that it’s definitely a hardware issue (seeing that you have dropped your phone and the back is cracked and Samsung won’t apply their warranty) as either your battery connection has been damaged or has a fault or your battery has shorted out and is faulty and dosen’t hold charge. I would suggest that you replace the battery as is instructed here on IFIXIT. Good luck and hope this helps.


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Thanks for the quick reply! I have actually done a factory data reset and I didn't even back it up I deleted everything. That didn't work. There aren't any updates and they won't warranty it because the back glass is cracked. I just wish there was a way to plug it into a computer to diagnose a software problem.

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Pls my Samsung Galaxy s8+ keeps off by it self anytime I switched on data it goes off ,In that case the battery is fully charged and when this happens I feel my phone is hot so pls help me to solve

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Please keep me posted if you find a solution. I’m experiencing the same issue with my S8.


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The only thing that comes to mind is software or hardware. I would back up the phone on smart switch, then run factory data reset. I would test it first before actually restoring the data back on the device. If it seems to be fine, I would continue to restore the data EXCEPT for Apps. Test again and see if everything is working accordingly, then proceed with Apps to see if the issue persists. Check if there are any updates on the software.

If it does persists after factory reset, it could be a chip related issue (assuming the device has not damages on it). If possible I would try to push for Warranty if that still applies and notate all the test you did.

Hopefully this helps. Good Luck

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not sure that this is exactly what you mean, but you can connect to the phone with the android debug bridge .. it isn’t magic, but if you were interested in seeing what’s going on under the hood so to speak, it does allow you to access system logs and other data from the device, either wirelessly or via usb

download from https://developer.android.com/studio/com... …. install is straightforward depending on your familiarity with the command prompt or terminal shell ; i guess i would say that it’s not going to help if you’re looking for an easy answer , but if you’re more curious than anything and don’t mind getting your hands dirty, have at it….. ability to assess and troubleshoot a device should be a standard expectation and condition of ownership…. certainly on the software side.

( i am a recovering programmer w/background in cobol , visualbasic, c++, and perl, among other things; not an android dev and have very little actual guidance to offer but thought you might like to at least know that this exists.) :)

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I have same exact problem on my s8+. Sent it back to the factory, they kept it for 10 days and returned it wih “no trouble found” ! Either incompetent or more interested in clearing the ticket than fixing it. I told them it acted just exactly as though the battery was totally drained, which to me said it was a power problem — either bad battery or power circuitry.

BUT, don’t despair! I accidently discovered that putting the phone on ice or in the freezer for just 2 minutes restored complete functionality. Turned it back on & just had to input password. Voila! Obviously a battery overheating problem, even though phone was not hot when it blacked out. (NO! Lithium batteries don’t have heat problems!)

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My S8 is doing the same thing, it just shuts down no reason. I reset the damned thing , ran it in safe mode and it still shuts down. It is similar to a power failure but the battery is at 100%


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Mine started doing the same thing about 14 months after purchasing it. The battery has enough charge. When you try to turn it back on, it looks like it’s booting up and then will shut off again. Try again and it may indicate it’s booting up in Safe Mode, then shut down. Try again and it may get to the Home screen and then shut off.

Leave it off for awhile and it usually reboots okay. Very perplexing,

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Have the issue being resolved?


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Firstly, there should not be any remedies like putting the phone into the freezer etc etc as allot of these problems happen if either the battery needs replacing and/or the phone was dropped and its sustained a big impact, especially to its back cover, its NOT a software problem! The Android OP system is very reliable and does not cause these sorts of errors and problems, well I haven’t encountered them EVER in my many years of using Android and since my first experience with the Android 2.1 Eclair in the Nexus One.

My suggestion (as I’ve suggested above) and especially if the phone was dropped and the back cover is cracked and damaged and this fault is happening is to, open the phone (as instructed by IFIXIT S8 instructions or take the phone to a service centre) and replace the battery with an OEM battery type: –

4000mAh MODEL: EB-BG892ABA Normal Voltage: 3.85V / Charge Voltage: 4.4V / A/S: 1588-3366 4000mAh 15.0Wh.

To me, it sounds like the battery is shortening out and its not being charged and holding its charge. If you look at the battery replacement procedures, then you will notice that the battery connecting plug is very intricate and can be disturbed and/or moved, especially if the back cover was cracked from an extensive force, otherwise, the battery needs replacing as its at the end of its life.

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Please I would love to know if problem have being resolved and how to resolve problem! Thank

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I have a Samsung s8 ive tried factory reset it and now it's just cutting off and back on ever few minutes

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Because the back doesn't come off


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Well the back is cracked so how would I go about changing a battery for it

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I think Samsung Galaxy S8+ need to do something with the galaxy 8 and 8+ there's something wrong somewhere I hate to have this phone

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