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Kernel Panics occurring consistently- MacBook Pro

I was having Kernel Panics every few minutes.

Took my system to the Apple Store, they did diagnostic tests and it came back that all hardware is good. I ended up deleting everything and reloading the OS.

Unfortunately, I am still having them. Certainly not as often, however it is still occurring.

Does anyone know why this might be the case?

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A common issue is add on drivers and apps which stay resident in memory can often explain things. Did you review your app versions to make sure you’re running the latest. The last thing is how much RAM and free storage do you have?

The best thing here is to paste the last crash report here so we can take a look. I’m surprised the Apple Genius didn’t review the report as it likely would have shown you what was failing software wise.

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Thank you Dan for your input... I wiped my entire hard drive and reinstalled as if fresh out of the box. That is what I found strange... it is still occurring after a factory reset. Does that change anything? Also, if that’s the case, would uploading the latest crash report do anything?


So to be clear - All you have on the system presently is the installed OS nothing else - correct?

- If that is the case then I'm afraid you do have a hardware level issue then.

- If you added anything, then you'll need to review what it is and back it off or see if there is a newer version.

I would still post the newest crash report as I would be curious what is failing.


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