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My iPod headphone jack not working

My iPod jack will not work

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2 Ответов

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You can try a factory reset just in case this is a software problem

If a factory reset doesn’t work then you will likely have to replace the lightning connector/headphone jack assembly. This is not an easy task. You will need these tools and expertise on how to use them

  • soldering iron
  • hot air station
  • kapton tape
  • Phillips #000 screwdriver or bit driver
  • razor blade
  • screwmat for organizing screws

iPod touch (5th Gen) Lightning Connector and Headphone Jack Assembly


iPod touch (5th Gen) Lightning Connector and Headphone Jack Assembly Изображение


iPod touch (5th Gen) Lightning Connector and Headphone Jack Assembly


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If it doesn't work at all, it will need replacing. The part can be found here: https://www.fixez.com/store/ipod/ipod-to...

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