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Model A1502 / 2.6 GHz (Turbo Boost up to 3.1 GHz) or 2.8 GHz (Turbo Boost up to 3.3 GHz) dual-core Intel Core i7 processor with 4MB shared L3 cache.

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Won't power on. Fan on for a 2 seconds and turns off, repeats

My MacBook Pro mid 2014 13” was all working and all of a sudden yesterday it turned off.

Things I did to check before opening my Mac:

  • Shutdown my Mac by pressing power button for 10 seconds, and turned ON - tried resetting PRAM.
  • Similarly tried resetting SMC.

Result: Nothing happened no chime or display.

So opened it and disconnected the battery tried with just main plug still same results.

But! I noticed that, when power button is pressed, fan spins for 2-3 seconds and stops and repeats. Then the CPU, SSD gets hot. I then removed the battery and power supply.

Last try, I disconnected SSD, side WIFI board and turned on, still same result.

If it is a logic board issue, anyone know which part failed it would be helpful.

If anyone recognize this problem, please help.


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The power control logic near the CPU and/or the CPU its self has failed. Here’s the IFIXIT guide you’ll need to follow to replace the logic board MacBook Pro 13" Retina Display Mid 2014 Logic Board Replacement, you’ll find the logic board options within it.

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Thank you so much.

Is this the only reason or is there a chance of any other issue ?


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vaidhya будет вечно благодарен.
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