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Announced in August 2017, the Galaxy Note8 is the successor to the recalled Galaxy Note7. The Note8 was made available to the public for purchase in September of 2017.

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Phone works but the screen is black

I was using my phone on the way to a restraunt and turned it off and then when i try to turn it on again it wouldn’t. Google assissant was working and i could answer and make calls and get nonifications. It is currently on for now but if it turns off i have to keep manually resetting it by holding down the power button and volume down button. I cracked the screen at the begginning of this month but it just barely started doing this. Does it have anything to do with my screen being cracked? I also have a green line going down it. Is there any permenant solution to phone so i don’t have to keep turning it on and off?

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@samxtech your Samsung uses a Super AMOLED display. Those are very sensitive and in your case “I cracked the screen at the begginning of this month but it just barely started doing this”. ”I also have a green line going down it.” you want to replace the display and then re-evaluate. Right now, it most certainly sounds like a broken display being the issue.

Samsung Galaxy Note 8 Display Replacement

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