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The Wi-Fi only version of Apple's iPad 6, released in March 2018. Available with 32 and 128 GB storage options. Features a 9.7" Retina display and 64-bit A10 fusion chip.

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Grey flickering sections of display, progressive failure.

I recently bought a secondhand iPad 6th gen WiFi only, all was well for about a month.

After this time a grey patch covering exactly one quarter of the screen from the Home button upwards started to appear for short periods of time (a few seconds) and would then disappear leaving the display normal again. All touch functions worked still, if I knew where to touch behind this grey patch. The patch is not solid grey, but seems to flicker a little as if the graphics controller is still trying to send a picture…

Unfortunately over the space of a week or so the 25% grey patch became more frequent and for longer periods. Sometime it would extend to halfway or even 75% of the screen… and ultimately I now have a iPad with a completely grey screen that is almost permanent, (sometimes I can see the Apple logo for just under a second when I first switch it on from being completely off. I can power it on and off because I can guess the location of the “Swipe to power off” button.

I have not much clue as to the cause, I have opened the unit and re-seated the screen connector to the logic board, but this does NOT appear to affect the issue even momentarily.

Is it possible there are some chips not secured to the board properly as in the iPhone 6 problem I read about on this site?

I don’t have the ability to repair solder issues on the logic board so would also be interested in finding a good iPad repairer in the UK… that or information on the issue. Has anyone else even experienced it? I am not seeing much online that is similar.

Hope you can help me.

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The first thing to try is a replacement LCD. Now that you have opened up the device already, it will be easy to test.

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Thanks that will be something I could try if I get a second iPad or a display. In the meantime though, I am really looking for information that will help me target the problem as I don't have any spares... this way I know what to get in order to repair.

I might have to take it to a repair shop, but Apple official won't touch it now for sure. How much should I expect to pay for a fix do you think, if it was the display like you suggest?


Unfortunately, the only way to properly troubleshoot problems of this nature is with good (preferably known-good) parts. If you don't want to buy parts up front, consider a local shop. they can test it and if it solves the problem, you can either have them complete the fix or see if they will sell you the parts.


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