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Wi-Fi only version of Apple's 2nd generation iPad Air. Model A1566.

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Boot loop after replacing battery

I recently replaced the battery (replacement battery from iFixIt) in my iPad Air 2. After the replacement, the iPad will only turn on when connected to the charger, and even then it stuck in some sort of boot loop. It turns on, displays the Apple logo for 1-2 seconds, turns off, then turns back on, and repeats this loops indefinitely.

I have read online that this is the “loop of doom” and it is the result of the battery not having enough charge to boot.

I have had it connected to the charger for 2 hours and it still in the loop.

Any ideas?

Thank you,


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I guess the question is : was you’re original battery dead or was the root problem elsewhere?

If you have access to a multimeter and/or a power supply, there are some things you could do to help you isolate the issue. The problem now is that you have quite a few variables and it’s hard to know what to eliminate.

Using a multimeter, you could measure the battery voltage directly from the battery. If you have more than 3.5V, then the device should boot properly. Anything less than that and the device may loop during the boot process or not boot at all. With a power supply, you could manually charge the battery a bit (never leave it unattended) but only do this if you are confident of what you are doing as the consequences can be catastrophic (and dangerous) if you do it wrong.

Otherwise, consider bringing your device to a reputable shop to see if they can help you troubleshoot.

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Try running recovery while in DFU mode. iTunes or 3uTools to the rescue.

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