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2.4GHz, 2.7GHz, or 2.8GHz quad-core Intel Core i7 processor (Turbo Boost up to 3.8GHz) with 6MB shared L3 cache. Released February 2013.

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Replacing a dead Logic board early 2013 with a late 2013


My logic board is about to die in my macbook pro 15 early 2013.

I’m looking for a new one and I want to know if I can buy a late 2013 logic board to put it into my macbook pro ?


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the battery connector and the trackpad ribbon cable connector are slightly moved on the later 2013 board. Not sure how much room you would have to make up the difference between the early and the late connectors. Otherwise, the mounting holes etc. have identical locations. Of course, if you would stay with the same model you would have a guaranteed fit and would not have to worry about it.

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