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The April 2014 update of the 11" MacBook Air packs refreshed dual-core i5 and i7 Haswell processors and slightly increased battery performance.

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OWC SSD Aura Pro X not detected

I recently purchased a OWC SSD Aura Pro X 240gb for my MacBook Air. I installed the SSD and it boots up to recovery mode with now issue. However, when I try to install Mavericks or Mojave it doesn't recognize the SSD.

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Stick with Mavericks! Once you get it working you can then upgrade to Mojave.

At this point I’m suspecting you need to upgrade the SSD’s firmware (this unit must have been on the shelf awhile). Here’s the upgrade info Aura SSDs: Firmware Update. Once you get the drive active when you upgrade to Mojave the firmware will be upgraded once again with the production version.

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