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2.4GHz, 2.7GHz, or 2.8GHz quad-core Intel Core i7 processor (Turbo Boost up to 3.8GHz) with 6MB shared L3 cache. Released February 2013.

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Spilled cognac on my keyboard, changing logic board.


I spilled cognac on my keyboard and after several minutes it just shut down (For obvious reason). I assume the logic board is fried and I bought a new one, but the question here is:

I should probably clean the cognac, but how? It’s underneath the keyboard and how should I clean it?

How can I tell if the old logic board is fried? or is it another component that might be damage? I think I see some areas of the logic board that are darker which could indicate where the liquid is.

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You most likely will need to replace the keyboard or the whole top case along with the logic board. You can try cleaning the cognac off the board with isopropyl alcohol, that won’t hurt any of the components any more than they already are. You may be able to salvage the board with that but no guarantees. Its worked for me in the past with many liquid damaged machines.

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