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Announced in March 2015, and released April 10, 2015, the Galaxy S6 is the next flagship in the Galaxy line. The curved screen version is known as the Galaxy S6 Edge.

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Is the daughterboard carrier specific?

Sorry if this is a dumb question but i dropped my sprint S6 in the salt water while in florida a few months ago and it killed the motherboard. i switched to t mobile since then and I was wondering if i bought a T mobile motherboard would that work with my sprint daughterboard??

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I’m 99% sure it would because I’m pretty sure the housings are made the same so if you bought a T-Mobile board I’m sure it would work fine

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Thanks ill order it tonight and ill update the answer if it works


Well some charger port variants have the little golden springs in different spots which provide the connection to the midframe housing antenna, reception may be a bit worse but still good to use.


Yeah ill only be using it as a backup phone and play around with root apps n stuff


Sounds good. Hope all works out. Have a good one.


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