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4-дюймовый iPhone выпущенный в марте 2016 года на той же самой платформе, что и 6s. Доступен в серебристом, сером, золотом и розовом цветах с 16/64 Гб памяти. Модели A1662 и A1723.

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iPhone SE always restart

Hi, My iPhone SE always restart even i’m not touching it. but if i plugin headset for listening music with Spotify app. it not restart.

second question is : sometime after restart the percentage of battery drop down to 1% then it increase to 90%.

So what should i fix it?

Thank you very much for your advice. :)

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Yes. but even phone not in use, i mean while i sleep my phone still keep restarting. event already replace new battery. it will be fix ? if i change motherboard ?


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3 Ответов

Выбранное решение

On the iPhone SE, there are some tiny electronics components right next to the battery connector that are part of the communications line that connects the battery data to the CPU. See the highlighted component below:


Block Image

These can be accidentally damaged or dislodged while replacing the battery and is often called “pry damage”. Take a close look, preferably with magnification, to see if everything is as it should be. Any missing or damaged components will require a micro-soldering repair.

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I made this account just to thank you for this suggestion. I totally screwed them up with the plastic spatula taking the connector off... I'm gonna look for a micro-soldering company in Estonia to try to fix it... Is there any channce you could tell me which are the components to be soldered? I'm missing the one you marked in red and the one on its right. Thank you VERY much Minho


The highlighted component is the only that "has to" be replaced.


All four of these components have been knocked off my logic board. If I solder bridge just the one circled in red, will the phone charge?


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I’m not sure, but it sounds like a battery replacement would help!

Good luck,


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after change battery my iphone SE still keep restarting


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The spontaneous restarts sounds like a kernel panic, though the issue with the battery percentages sounds like the battery is actually the culprit more than anything else.

Try doing a hard restart. Hold the power and home buttons until the iPhone powers off, wait until you see the apple logo appear again, releases the buttons.

If you still have this issue, it’s best to take the device in for a battery replacement at a local Apple Store or authorized service center.

If this answer was helpful, let me know!



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3 Комментариев:

after change battery my iphone SE still keep restarting


what should i do need? i plane to change motherboard. now it 64G but if change will go to 16GB. it ok?


It's probably a kernel panic then. At this point, I'm not completely sure what the solution is. Could be a number of things based on the lack of information. Usually, if your iPhone is still under warranty, the Apple store will replace your iPhone free of charge because they are motivated to find devices with these defects so they can study them and try to prevent such panics in the future. I would go to your local Apple store or an authorized retailer. Or, call Apple Care to see what they would do about it.


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