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In June 2017 Apple updated its 13" MacBook Air with a newer Broadwell Intel Core i5 processor, resulting in slightly increased performance and battery life.

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What 500GB SSD or larger is suitable for a 2017?

The specs are

1.8GGz Intel Core i5; 8GB 1600 MHz DDR3; 251GB SSD

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You could look for used original ones from Samsung or Sandisk, they’re the 12+16 pins ones, you can’t mistake them, manufactured mainly for 2013/2015 macbook pros in that large storage size. For new flash drives I don’t know any other beyond the ones mentioned already by @jonaharagon

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Any reason the ones on iFixit won’t work for you? Possibly available cheaper direct from OWC.

If you don’t like OWC, Transcend also makes one.

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Thank you for the information. I wasn't sure about OWC due to the comments that I have read on it and Transcend seemed expensive so I started to look into the Samsung SSD and the conflicting comments on the three brands above just became aggravating. I started to read some of the posts here and it seemed as if folks here knew what there talking about. Do you have any thoughts on the Samsung products?


Here's a good reference on the custom Apple SSD's The Ultimate Guide to Apple’s Proprietary SSDs - Generation 4


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