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Inverter or Inverter Cable?

My MacBook Pro 2.2 Intel Core 2 Duo A1226 (santa rosa) fell from the desk landing on its side while open. The screen went dim. I could faintly see the desktop. I plugged in external monitor used fn/F7 to mirror monitors and was relieved to find everything still fully operational except the screen. I researched your pages and have come to the conclusion it is either the inverter or inverter cable. What should my next diagnostic move be? I know the info was probably right in front of me and I am grateful for that. Could you please just clearly guide me with an "idiots" step by step how to proceed? Thank You.

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So can somebody tell me what exactly I need then? My isight is working fine. I can barely see the faint image of the desktop on screen. It is not illuminated at all. Does this rule out the cable? Please advise. Thanks Again!


So can somebody tell me what exactly I need then? My isight is working fine. I can barely see the faint image of the desktop on screen. It is not illuminated at all. Does this rule out the cable? Please advise. Thanks Again!


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i would like to know as well, i am experiencing the same issue...

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Sounds like an inverter problem to me. I would open it an reconnect the inverter plugs. That failing, replace both the inverter and wires.

Here's the part: MacBook Pro 15" (Models A1226/A1260) LED Driver Board

Here's how to get to it: MacBook Pro 15" Core 2 Duo Models A1226 and A1260 LED Driver Board Replacement

MacBook Pro 15" (Models A1226/A1260) LED Driver Board Изображение


MacBook Pro 15" (Models A1226/A1260) LED Driver Board


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thank you mayer!!


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the part he is showing is not the LED driver board. That board combines the voltages from the led driver on the left side of the mlb, and the voltage from the lvds cable on the other side. It combines the voltages so that the lcd see's one voltage coming in. LED displays do no use inverters. I've repaired Mac's for close to 10 years and never seen that part go bad. The only MBP model that used an inverter was the original macbook pro.


the part exists, but they are calling it the LED driver and its not. In fact, if you really want I'll show you the logic board schematic proving it. WHen they do teardowns they are guessing what things do, they are not engineers. That is a DC-DC board that allows the voltage to the LCD to come down one line and transmit ROM data to the LCD.

I will contact ifixit, but please explain to me how an LED display could use an inverter? Inverters are designed to deliver high voltage in a controlled manner.

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