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iPod is not turning on/charging. Battery extrem low

Hi. I have an iPod 4th Generation 8 GB. The iPod shows now reaction by trying to turn it on or plugging it to a charger. I tried everything like hold button or reset.

So i decided to disassemble the battery. I measured the battery voltage with my multimeter -> 0.5 V. -> the battery is dead.

So my question: Is it worth to get a new battery and replace the old one or is it possible that the logic board is dead too? What means i have to get a new iPod?

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JayKay88, what I would do, since you obviously already have it apart, is to replace the battery. It is relatively inexpensive. Nobody will be able to say for sure that it is your logic board without further testing. Get a new battery and see what happens. If you want a new iPod after (if it still won't work) you can always try and sell yours or places like ebay. But go ahead and get a new battery and see what you got. Good Luck

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Thank you. I'm going to try a new battery. Hope it works:)


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