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Второе поколение iPhone. Модель A1241; 8 или 16 ГБ памяти; с черной или белой задней пластиковой крышкой. Ремонт проще, чем первого iPhone. Требует отвертки и инструментов для вскрытия.

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What if I replace the motherboard in my iPhone?

Hi all!)

Ive been thinking alot on this issue lately. What if i just take and replace the motherboard of my device... Would it still work?? And if it would doesnt it mean that u can in fact build any iphone yourself from spare parts found on ebay or wherever??

I mean if there is any tricky protection preventing you from building an iphone it definately must be in the m/b!

I guess all parts can be bought right...?

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Yes, you can in theory build your own iPhone. There is a brilliant video about someone who tries to do this on YouTube



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yes alex you can buy all the components and assemble your own iphone. you can buy working motherboards and simply switch them over. what is wrong with your original one? if you give us more details maybe we can help to repair it?

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Well its a long story but if short i found an iphone 3gs on the street, with a broken screen, now i fixed it, works fine but its slow and sometimes lags, even worse then the 1st iphone... When i was reparing it i noticed that one hole for a screw on the m/b was cracked but i didnt pay any annention to the fact... So now i want to figureout if there is any point in trying to fix it farther... Ive already spent like 30$... And a new m/b is gonna cost about 50! And if it wont work......:(

I read that u cant make a new phone because it has to be registered by apple or something... It has to contain some special chips, codes, sounds strange to me but thats what people say!Oo So i concluded that if that is true then even replacing the m/b would spoil the phone...


Ummm, i guess i confused the models probably it was for 3g, cuz i just looked through the list of offers on ebay... Anyway if i replace the m/b, i actually get a new phone..., but will it work?


Hi I have an iPhone 7 Plus and the facing camera doesn’t work. I would have to put speaker phone button to hear and my home button doesn’t work. The seller I bought it from said it needs a new motherboard. Is it true? Will a new motherboard fix most of these problems? Someone help!!!!!


@familyof4 this is a really old post, you likely won't get any help here unless you start your own question. It may be that you need to replace each of those components. Or the OP has done some repairs and not connected them properly... start your own question please


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