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How hard is it to replace the LCD display on a Samsung Notebook Pro?

My 3 month old Samsung Notebook Pro laptop developed a display malfunction today. A dark spot in the corner, with vertical and horizontal lines coming out from it that flicker. It was fine this morning, then I carried it to another room and this showed up. Didn’t drop it or damage it in any way. After 4-5 hours of getting the run-around with tech support I finally have a service order and shipping label to mail it off to the 1 authorized repair center in the entire US. However, it was strongly hinted that I had damaged the screen and the warranty wouldn’t cover it. They quoted me a price of almost $500 to repair it, which is 50% of what I paid originally.

In the past I’ve been able to do some repairs on my Mac. I’ve replace the keyboard once and the battery twice. I think the screen is probably more complicated, but I thought I’d ask if anyone else has done it.

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Did you search YouTube for videos?

Sounds like you have the know how to replace LCD and save yourself alot of money.

Here is one video -


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