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S8 новейший флагманский смартфон компании Samsung, представленный на Unpacked 2017 в апреле.

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Can you replace just the front glass?

So, I have seen videos about freezing the GS8, and removing the front screen super duper easy. Can this be done with heat and slowly pulling the glass off?

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Its not super duper easy even with freezing then comes the fun part lol

Feel free to have a go as theres nothing really to loose apart from a glass lens order the full screen assembly as well at the same time though so u have it just in case

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I have a lot of friends working in big companies of refurbishing and even with 20,000 dollars in machines there is a 45% of failure. Removing the glass is the first step, next is cleaning a installing OCA and removing air bubbles or cheap way using LOCA. For sure is not easy without good equipment but is possible.

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