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Nintendo's upgraded version of the Nintendo 3DS. It features bigger screens, longer battery life, better pixel density, and a better design.

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[MODDED] (Luma CFW B9S) 3DS XL no sound + black screen

I recently found my 3DS after I losing it in the house somewhere for a while. I tried booting it up with the SD card inserted into the 3SD and it downright refused to show anything on the screen, no sound, nothing. I tried booting up the 3SD without the SD card inserted and it booted perfectly fine as I have Luma CFW installed to the CTRNAND via the Boot9Strap method. But everything I need is on the SD card, this includes all my games, FBI, Luma updater, and Checkpoint.

I have tried removing the battery while the console is turned on. (Not the best idea)

I have tried recovery mode to update the firmware.

I have had a look to see if any cables are loose.

I have tried letting it boot up for 10 minutes.

I have tried changing the boot.firm file to the latest version 1.9. (as of this post)

The SD card is formatted as FAT32 and shows up without issue on Windows.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Выбранное решение

I managed to fix it after playing around for a bit. I will keep the post up, so if anybody else has the same problem, they can try and and fix it.

NOTE: If you do not have CFW setup to the CTRNAND (CFW without the SD present), this fix wont work.

1. Remove the SD card from the console.
2. Boot into GodMode9 (Hold start while turning on the console).
3. Hold R+B until you get a message stating "Initialising SD card failed! Retry?".
4. Insert the SD card.
5. Press A.

If the SD card successfully mounted the issue should be fixed.

EDIT: More concise and easier to read.

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I logged in just to say that this works !


Too bad it doesnt work for me :( After I insert my microSD my 3ds will freeze


Once I insert my sdcard and after I pressed button A it will freeze my 3DS :(


just logged in to say thanks, its a life saver


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