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The HTC EVO is a Smartphone by HTC powered by a 1-GHz Snapdragon processor and runs the Android operating system.

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Which screen should I purchase when replacing?

Im trying to replace the cracked screen on the EVO 4G. I've already seen the instructions to taking apart, I take apart iPhones 3G and 4's so it doesn't look very difficult specially since im use to heat gunning when doing ipod 4th gens. The thing is I heard theres different screens you can purchase, such as a smaller ribbon and wider. Is there anything in particular I should be looking for when ordering? And if so is there any way I can tell without opening the phone? Thanks for any replies.

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Well, you're going to be opening the phone anyways, so just take a peak and see if you need the large of slim flex cable. You can get a replacement lcd for the small cable here, and if you have the big cable then here.

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Yea but i'm doing a repair so I need to know, should I just buy a slim and a wide just to be on the safe side than..


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