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Home buttons stopped working for 5 years. Screen cracked right now

I've had this thing for 5 years. My home buttons stopped working. But it turns on anyway with a charger. Just now while at work it decides to fall from the bench and crack. Screen black. And i have no way to see if it works. I don't take my ipod cable with me. So now I'm just panicking looking for a solution.. I don't wanna lose 5 years worth of music >~< please help

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This can probably be fixed! A screen would be needed to fix the display issue. The home button issue is common and can likely be fixed with a tiny piece that sits on the actual clicking part of the button assembly, and could be done during the screen repair. Your music will still be there! Also, if you’ve bought music from iTunes/Apple, you will be able to retrieve it from other Apple devices if necessary.

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