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Model A1224 / Mid 2007 and Early 2008 / 2, 2.4, or 2.66 GHz Core 2 Duo processor

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Does macOS Catalina work on this iMac?

I am posting this question to see if the 2007 iMac is still usable in this day and age. Of course, if you want to proceed you will have to at least upgrade your cpu in this device to a T9300 cpu. You would also want to upgrade your Bluetooth and WiFi to have a fully functioning machine. I have detailed how to do that in another post.

So, is the 2007/2008 iMac still usable on the very latest macOS Catalina? I am in the process of getting all the details together to post here on how to try for yourself…………stay tuned

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Catalina will only use 64 bit applications,

DosDude1 may come up with a fix for this unsupported iMac. So far he only has it for APSF formatted drives. http://dosdude1.com/catalina/

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Yes I know. I have Catalina running on my 2097 iMac at the moment. My iMac also supports booting APFS. Details will be coming.....


*2007 not *2097 lol


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Yes it worked.

Sorry for the bath englisch im from Germany :D

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nandor690 будет вечно благодарен.
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