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Mac OS X 10.4.7 Refuse to Install Why?

hi have powerbook G4 when i want to install Mac Os X 10.4.7 i get this error message (panic(cpu 0): Unable to find driver for this platform: "PowerBook6,4") what can be the problem? is it bcos this disk came with an iMac? and where can i download the suitable Version that will work with my machine? thnx in advance.

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Apple has not had a legal OS for download since OS X came out. If you use a torrent be aware that's about the only way to get malware on a Mac.


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You will either need an orginal installation disk, available from Apple for $15, or a retail system disk (in your case, 10.4)


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if you go to the apple store, they will install the os for free because it would have come with tiger

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