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Model A1311 / Mid 2010 / 3.06 & 3.2 GHz Core i3 or 3.6 GHz Core i5 Processor

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Using the OWC Thermal Sensor Part in My Kit

I’m upgrading my mid-2010 iMac 2389 and I have the iFIXIT kit in hand.

What are the correct reassembly steps involving the OWCDIDIMACHDD09 that’s included? I know how to position the adhesive backed temperature sensor on the SSD, and where and how to attach the two strand sensor cable on the logic board. Are both or either of the three and the five strand SATA connectors on the OWC used in a reassembly employing the ICY DOCK MB882SP-1S-3B that’s included in my kit? If they are, how?

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It goes in-between the power feed cable and the drive which is held in the Icy Dock in your case. I use a different adapter frame which doesn’t offer the conversion of the connectors to the 3.5” drives alignment. I figure its one less point of failure.

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That bypasses the so called thermal sensor. you're paying for something that helps people bypass 2 wires. The rest is aesthetics. That Chip/board does nothing. Search YouTube. The guy shows which 2 wires to snip. 20 sec job. LOL


You don't get it do you....

I guess you drive your car without wearing a seat belt as its just not needed! They are a plot to make you spend more money by the car makers. Guess you've never have been hit by another car or ran off the road into a tree! So who really needs them!

So why is this the proper way? Sure we can take the fans out and let the system cook! Or we could adjust the fans speed so they are effective given the heat load the system encounters. So what is the hotter areas of the system? The CPU and GPU's and if installed a HDD each of these devices have sensors as well as more around the internals like the display.

All of these sensors are needed so the systems heat is mapped out and the best fan to cool that area.

The good news is each generation of design has needed fewer fans as the devices have become better designed not needing the amount of power and create less heat!

So you can listen to the quacks who tell you sure it's safe to disconnect the sensor without understanding why. The shorting out the HDD sensor line is only done if you have a SSD installed by Apple (or mount it in the exact same place) and don't have a HDD inside as well!

But, what if I swap out the HDD for a SSD? While one could argue that also allows me to bypass it, you need to look a bit deeper! As the location Apple places the SSD in this series (very few had it) was within the air flow of the main fan. The location of the HDD mount depends on the HD cooling fan.

While SSD's tend not to get as hot as HDD's they still get warm and the EOL is shorter if they are kept cool. So with no air flow slowly kills them needlessly!


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