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No power with 3 battery's but haven't got a card yet

Canon PowerShot S 40

No power..battery good..I haven't put a memory card in yet and I have 3batterys that are good..charger is fine checked the battery door nib and it's good..heard it could be a fuse

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Thank you for the reply veru much but looking all day for a more strait forward answer I went with the bad fuse option..SOOO took it apart looking with never opening a camera and we'll got siide tracked and came back to I should've took notes or pictures or not gone so far since I had already got to the board with the fuse but didn't know it till most of it dismantled..it was a dumb move...I'm trying to put it back but not looking good for Humpty...I do appreciate your time and consideration..I'm sure I'll be asking something agian ..I'm not a pro but I do believe I'm smart enough to tackle some repairs just need more patience so if I can answer anything I'll try..thank you


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Sean Bender entirely possible that this is an issue with the DC-DC part. Post some good pictures of your main board so we can see what you see. Schematics are almost non-existent for this camera so we'll have to improvise. Adding images to an existing question Make sure that you check the switch and that the battery cover properly seats. It is a vital part of the power distribution.

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