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Repair guides for displays (or monitors) for computers or other devices with video output.

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Why are the edgers and corners distorting in color?

Block Image

Block Image

Block Image

Block Image

Model: 27UD69P (LG monitor)

I notice this a while back but it wasn’t as noticeably. Now its has got even worse. What causes this in monitors? does have to do with constant changes in temperature or display tilted downward? will this get worse to the point that I’ll have to replace?

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@jian890 could be an issue with the backlight but most likely it is the diffuser sheets. Yes, it could get worse. Two things you can do. One is to learn to live with it. the other one is to disassemble your monitor and then the panel. Remove and inspect the diffuser sheets and check the backlight. Keep the sheet sin the order and direction you remove them. this is important. Let us know what you find.

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2 Комментариев:

What will "inspecting" the diffuser sheets do?

Are they replaceable? (And how many hands does that take??)

Is there a procedure for this?

I'm unlikely to disassemble a working monitor to rid it of corner leaks, just to have to put it back together, possibly messing it up completely, or nearly as bad, getting no improvement. $.02


@prreitz all depends on the monitor/panel itself. Yes, most are replaceable. Some are just harder to find and some panels are harder to open. "I'm unlikely to disassemble a working monitor to rid it of corner leak" in that case I would leave it alone. I only fix what either needs fixing or what I like to fix. Never anything just for that sake of tearing it down.


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