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Nintendo Game Boy Advance, released in 2001. Repair requires only common tools and no heat.

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No repair guide for Gameboy Advance SP

Why there is no repair guide for the Gameboy Advance SP model?

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Feel free to spend the time and effort to write a guide for this machine. Till you do, your attitude rates you a negative vote from me. I'll be happy to change that vote after YOU put some effort into it.


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There are no guides because no one has taken the time to create them. You, however, can change that! Check out our Contribute page, then create the device page and the repair guides. Users helping users: this is iFixit's vision!

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Why do you say that? Here are the guides that you need for the most part Game Boy Advance It might help if you tell us what exactly you are looking for.

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8 Комментариев:

I am not blind!! I said Game Boy Advance SP which is not the same as the Game Boy Advance!! And I just wanted to know if there is a way of making its screen brighter, because the SP HAS BACK LIGHT, that is not the case with the Game Boy Advance OK??


Sorry, just tried to assist you. did not mean in any way to offend you....


Hey, Chris, the people you are berating work for free to help others and do a very good job of it. You have the attitude of a spoiled 12 year old. Get rid of the attitude if you expect anyone else to try to help you.


What model does it say on the bottom label? When you say that you want your screen brighter, is it very dim and does your backlight switch still work. I do not hold a grudge, but do want to assist you, just like anybody else on here. We are willing to spend time and effort in doing so, sometimes regardless of peoples attitude if you are willing to accept help.


Thanks mayer, makes me feel a little better :-) got all depressed for a second....;-)


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