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A laptop by Lenovo that can function as a tablet.

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My laptop stopped charging only Amber light on

My lenevo yoga stopped charging and shut off. The Amber light is on. I have tried holding power button down for different times but it still will not boot or anything. The adapter gets really hot therefore I unplug it randomly to cool down. Can someone help. It's got no juice so I don't know what to do! Thanks so much for your helping me whomever is out here reading this !!!

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Try taking out the battery and using only the charger. if the unit boots normally, I would suspect you need a new battery pack. If it doesn’t then try another charger if possible (should be able to purchase a universal replacement at such stores as Staples, BestBuy if you have them accessible or via online through Amazon etc). If still not booting, then more than likely the problem is with the laptop itself. One step at a time though. :-)

Hmmm….just noticed the photo of your unit. Not sure if the battery can be removed on that unit to be honest. Suggest you check your owners manual for further reference.

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dorothy faulk будет вечно благодарен.
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