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Repair information for the Canon PIXMA MG6660 all-in-one photo inkjet printer.

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Printer Wont turn on

Plugged and Unplugged after recieving error code B203, and after leaving it unplugged overnight, the Printer WILL NOT TURN ON :( any suggestions as to what to do.

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This happened to my MG6650. I didn’t use it for a month and when I turned it on it initially showed this error and I wouldn’t let me do anything. Well I tricked it and it started to print but turned off after a second. After that it would not turn on anymore.


did you change the power code and check, did you try with a different power outlet


@shiham Well I tried a different power outlet but didn‘t change the cord. The cable should be fine.


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if no power try replacing the power cable,

if it is error B203 try the below link steps,

Sometimes, the Error Code B203 indicates that there is an empty ink cartridge. Now, if your Canon printer is running on two different kinds of ink cartridges. Then, it might possible that one of them is empty and that is creating this error on your system.


or tey doing a hard reset : LINK

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