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Смартфон был выпущен 22 сентября 2017 года в двух модификациях: A1864, A1897, доступный GSM или CDMA модулями. Встроенное хранилище есть на 64 Гб или на 256. iPhone 8 Plus увидел свет в трех оттенках корпуса: золотом, серебристом и Space Gray.

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Is it possible to fix nand and cpu of iPhone 8 plus logic board?

this is a continuation to my previous questions. I damaged cpu and nand in iphone 8plus logic board while trying to replace back glass. Can cpu and nand be replaced or fixed, or do i buy a new motherboard? Thank you so much.

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They cannot be replaced, that’s for sure. As for fixing them, it depends on the extent of damage, but even the “simple” reball of the CPU is quite a demanding task. The NAND may also need programming tools and skills. In any case you probably need a reputable and very skillful microsoldering tech and some testing to be able to give a definite answer to your question.

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I went on to put it dfu mode, now either it stays in recovery mode or stays on with apple logo.. nothing more. I dono how to fix it. what to do? is it good to buy a second hand motherboard? can you rely on second hand Logic boards


@udaymaclean Symptoms point to a board failure, no idea if it could be fixed at all with the little info available. A used replacement board would be a viable alternative since the oldest in the market are just 2 years old, but in general their reliability is directly related to that of the seller, so choose wisely. Good luck with it.


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uday maclean будет вечно благодарен.
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