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Model A1311 / Mid 2010 / 3.06 & 3.2 GHz Core i3 or 3.6 GHz Core i5 Processor

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Cant Fix White Screen

Hello, I have recently cleaned the hard drive on my imac and before I could ever get to reinstall Mac Os whenever I turn on the imac, a white screen pops up and I cant seem to remove it. Iv tried doing what I can and im stumped, I am not sure about the exact model of the Imac so i chose one that the photo looks similar too, iv tried holding command r, command r with option and all of those things but nothing seems to go to any screen but the white one. Any input would be great, i have a flash drive that i used TransMac to install a dmg of the MacOs but I dont exactly know how to use it and if I can when its in the white screen

Thanks for any help.

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Look on the bottom of your stand you'll find a label with your systems S/N. Plug that into here EveryMac - Look up. Once you know let us know the exact system.


It is the Apple iMac "Core i5" 2.8 27-Inch (Mid-2010) Sorry for the confusion I wasn’t the original purchaser so I don’t know many details, I’m just helping out the person who used it for their business


No problem! You got us the needed info to get you going. Review @mayer 's answer as your likely have a bad drive.

With a USB keyboard you should be able to boot up in diagnostics. Restart your system and press the D key are you able to and if you are did you get any error messages?


It launched with pressing D and it was ent into internet recovery then it gave me the error Apple.com/support -3403D


Not to worry. That just tells us you have newer firmware which Apple broke the onboard diagnostics ;-}


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Your hard drive is failing. To confirm boot up from an external USB drive with El Capitan or lower. Here’s the guide on replacing it:

However if you do this without the OWC heat Sensor you will get run away fans. So you also need to install this:


iMac Intel 21.5" EMC 2389 Hard Drive Replacement

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