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Apple выпустила смартфон 4 ноября 2017 года в двух различных конфигурациях: A1865, A1901 и дала название iPhone X. Доступны варианты с разными стандартами мобильной связи: GSM или CDMA; с двумя объемами хранилища: 64 или 256 Гб; двумя различными оттенками корпуса: серебристый и Space Gray.

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iPhone X rear camera not working on camera app, but works on other app


I have iPhone X 64 GB and i have a isue that is pretty strange.

Mobile, have broken glass back and screen too, but i changed screen and the problem is still the same. Everything works, just one thing, that was before and after screenreplacement.

Rear camera doesn´t work on Camera app, front camera works fine, face id also, flash too, bet rear camera it just how to say stucks, freazes, it tries to focus and then show a image blury and freazes, if you try to focus somethin else you wait like 30 seconds and it focus that thing but still image is blurry and it doesn´t move, until you try to focus something else again and wait couple seconds and see again blurry dark picture.

If i go to Instagram app and try to open camera doesn´t work ether, but if i go to snapchat or messenger/facbook, rear camera working smoth as !&&*.

I tried to

  • deactivet, activet location service.
  • Reinstaled (factor settings)
  • Hardreset
  • DFU mode
  • Updates

Help me, should i change camera lens or something to do with logicboard ( and logicboard i know nothing). Changing parts i can it´s easy.

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Оценка 2
1 Комментарий

Exactly what the other guy narrated

It works on other apps like Snapchat and doesn’t work on Instagram

The camera app itself doesn’t work too

It freezes and then become blur


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Выбранное решение

Some application were developed without multiple camera support, your phone has a regular camera and wide camera, probably the wide camera stooped working and that is the reason why is working in another applications. Try with a new camera to start the diagnostic, also when you open your iOS Camera App and you feel your camera area warm It will be a bad camera.

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Оценка 4

1 Комментарий:

I got the part today, have changed lens so the prblem have been solved, just wasn’t sure, i wanted a person that would say the same thing that i was thinking. :D


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