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Announced on September 9, 2015, the iPad Mini 4 maintains the power of an iPad Air 2 in a smaller form factor.

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What is this component?

Replaced the screen on this iPad mini 4 some time back and the iPad never worked again.

It doesn’t power on, no back light or sound and doesn’t cause Windows to detect a device on USB. Hooked into a USB ammeter and it shows 2.15A at 5.03V. Battery disconnected it’s at .08-.15A.

Threw it under the microscope and removed the protective cover around the display connectors and noticed something that looks like it might be damaged. I don’t have any schematics for the Mini 4 and don’t normally do phone / iPad board repair and don’t have ZXW, so I’m looking for a little help on this one,.

Component is just to the left of the larger display connector when the lightning port is up.

Block Image

Block Image

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I updated the images. Anyone have any thoughts about that component? It looks like it blew up, but there's no signs of any damage in the area. This board has never been worked on.


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it looks like a blown cap but under my scoop it looks more like a diode, pull one from a donor and if you replace it see if it fixes it

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I don’t have a donor, do you have any idea what the value might be so I can try and find a replacement component? Thanks for taking the time to answer :)


no clue but if it is a cap there is a good chance you can remove it and leave it off and itll work if its a diode it probably wont work though


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