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The Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1 is known by different models depending on the features. Regular model: SM-T580 (WiFi), SM-T585 (3G,4G/LTE and WiFi) released in May 2016 or S-Pen model: SM-P580 (WiFi), SM-P585 (3G,4G/LTE and WiFi) released in September 2016. It is a 10.1- inch tablet manufactured by Samsung Electronics and their new high-end “A” series.

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FRUSTRATED Can 16GB internal storagebe increased? .

Can the internal storage be ncreased?

This tablet consumes so much of the storage to operate, it was rediculous for them to sell it with less than 32GB.

I added a nemory card and transferred the apps it allowed to be transferred but they get transferred back to internal storage everytime there is an update. FRUSTRATED

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@nlv no, sorry but there is not. Your external memory is essential an IC that is soldered to the circuit board and can not be replaced (by a usually DIY’er)

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