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Model A1311 / Mid 2010 / 3.06 & 3.2 GHz Core i3 or 3.6 GHz Core i5 Processor

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Video Card Replacement from HD4670 256 MB to HD6970 2 GB

Good morning everyone! I would like to ask a question.

I have at home a 21.5” iMac Mid 2010 with a AMD HD4670 256 MB graphics card, and I have a second graphics card a HD6970 2 GB.

Is it possible to replace the 4670 256 MB to HD6970 2 GB?

I have space because I installed an SSD and removed the DVD player drive. If possible will work normally or need to install new ROM and If possible will it work normally or will you need to modify the ROM and EFI boot screen mode?

Thank you

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You are pushing this system beyond what it was designed to support!

The issue is the more powerful GPU board requires more power and generates more heat! The board was designed with a much larger heat sink which won’t fit into your system. So you end up using the smaller heat sink which really can’t cool the GPU adequately so it will cook!

So you’re dammed here! Don’t forget this is not a very powerful CPU in this series so that will also play into its performance as well.

I would leave your system alone and look at getting a 27” 2011 which will be able to support your more powerful GPU board.

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