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Выпущенный 16 сентября 2016 года смартфон нарекли iPhone 7 Plus. Вышло несколько моделей нового устройства: A1661, A1784, и A1785, а также можно было выбрать между версиями на 32, 128 и 256 Гб встроенного накопителя. На выбор можно было приобрести золотой, розовое золото, серебристый, Jet Black и (PRODUCT) Red оттенки корпусов.

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PP1v8_SDRAM short on iPhone 7 Plus

Nothing happens when pressing power button or using a power supply cable with ON/OFF button. Only thing is when I plug in a charger it will draw 2A right away. Removed the tristar and the mosfet and then I found a short on PP1v8_SDRAM. Reading online that short is very difficult to solve. Any advice? Nothing heats up when injecting 1.8V on that line, unfortunately.

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Выбранное решение

The most common cause of 1V8_SDRAM shorts for me on the 7 plus were.

1.       Tristar

2.       Audio IC

3.       Cap

4.       SD_RAM

Hopefully it is not the SD Ram.

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I am afraid it is the sdram, 1v1_sdram is also shorted and I already removed the audio IC, Tristar. Will just swap boards and send this one to China for restore. Much cheaper than doing it myself. Thanks for the tips.


@d3novo May I ask where you are that you need to send boards all the way to China to get them fixed ?


the Netherlands, but I am Chinese so I know people over there. Boardswaps are cheap af compared to the hours I would spend doing it myself. My partner goes to china once every 1-2 months as well. We swap boards for customers and bring the defective ones to China. It saves us a lot of time. When the boards come back we use them to repeat the same process. Swap for customers and send/bring to China


@d3novo It makes sense if you have contacts, understand that, although time involved is quite a bit, not easy when you have customers who want their devices repaired by yesterday, hence my question.


I got a phone with no service issue, and I checked on motherboard, I found out sd ram1.8 shorts. Then I search sd ram 1.8 shorts it got me here. I double check the motherboard the audio ic chip was replaced by somebody else. Then I took off the audio chip and check sd ram 1.8 back to normal no more shorts. Replaced new audio chip everything back to normal.


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