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Model A1224 / Mid 2007 and Early 2008 / 2, 2.4, or 2.66 GHz Core 2 Duo processor

549вопросов Показать все

Why is my display not showing anything?

Diagnostic LED No 4 is OFF while computer is ON.

No display, Nothing

Checked with flash light, showing nothing

3.5v showing on pin 3 of the connector

so I checked the LCD panel with another iMac found that the display is working fine.

what should I check / do next?

Thanks in advance

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How can I check if the inverter board is OK or not? There are 4x connectors I can see.


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The inverter board would affect the backlight. But you stated the flashlight test failed so thats not your issue here.

Which model do you have the EMC 2133  or EMC 2210?

The EMC 2133 offers a MXM GPU board unlike the EMC 2210 which does not. You either need a new GPU board or a new logic board. As your GPU has failed. Thats assuming the system was not damaged in opening it. A common issue in this series is damaging the LVDS cable or the logic board connector.

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I pull the LCD unit out and put in another working iMac and found the display is working perfectly, so the cables attached to the panel are also find. LED 4 is OFF when computer is ON, and 3.5v is showing on pin 3 of the connector,


"Thats assuming the system was not damaged in opening it. A common issue in this series is damaging the LVDS cable or the logic board connector."


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