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Released June 2017, the iPad Pro 10.5" replaces the 2016 iPad Pro 9.7".

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Help identifying missing component on iPad Pro 10.5"

Block Image

Does anyone know what the component is in the attached pic? The marking on top is N6. I think it may be related the gas gauge? I can’t find a similar looking component on some of the spare boards I’ve got lying around. I looked near the battery connector on the Air 1 & Air 2 but I don’t see anything that appears similar. I’ve got 3-4 boards all . missing that component and all of them are bootlooping

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Выбранное решение

While there is no schematic for this device, the pad pattern is clearly one of a MOSFET. Based on this, there is a very high probability that using an iPhone 7 / Q2102 MOSFET will do the trick. You can salvage one from a dead board or order them new from DigiKey/Mouser (PN# RV3C002UN).

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Thanks Minho


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