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The wi-fi only version of Apple's iPad Air, model number A1474. Available in Space Gray or Silver, it packs the custom A7 processor and ships in 16, 32, 64, and 128 GB configurations.

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Battery drain with LCD connected

Hello there, I have a problem with iPad air 1. It is a little bit strange but when I plug LCD it drains battery.

Example: Yesterday I charged it to 100% and I didn’t use it at all, today battery is dead so I disassembled iPad and started to look for fix.

I plugged in a power supply to check if it takes any power and with board taken out of ipad when I connect only board to power supply it takes 0 Amps but when I turn off PS and connect LCD it takes 0.15A just with plugged in LCD, battery cannot be charged because of this drain and I have to charge battery with LCD unplugged. LCD is not a problem because I’ve checked with 2 others and problem is same, something is taken 0.15A out of battery constantly when LCD is plugged into board.

Do you have any suggestion what can cause this kind of problem ? Thanks a lot for any help

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A 0.15A draw should not impede the charging of the battery. It doesn’t sound normal but I’m having a hard time visualizing your test setup.

Fully charge the battery with a DCPS (be careful, there are videos on how to do this safely) or install a good replacement battery, loosely assemble the device and see how it responds. You need to determine if this is a battery/charge issue or an LCD driver issue.

Get back to us with more details.

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