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What is blue/pink lines flickering (but external monitor works great)?

My MacBook Pro started to have these blue or pink vertical lines, sometimes both, flickering on the screen. First, I thought it was the video card, then I plugged an external monitor, but the on the monitor it works as it should work.

I'm not sure which is the defective part of my mac, if it is the display data cable, the inverter, or another that I don't know.

One of the interesting things is that if you slightly bend the body part (not the display), sometimes the problem disappear, but only if you keep bended.

I've done a lot of research, and it seems to be a very specific problem, so I really need help! As soon I have the idea of which part should I replace, I will buy and replace it myself, since the warranty is long gone.

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Defective CCFL backlight may have the following symptoms: Screen flashes on red/pink and goes off. Picture stays on in red and slowly be come normal. Picture flickering with dim display. Picture flickering on and off. All these symptoms indicate that the LCD backlight lamp (CCFL Lamp) has reached the end of its life.

Here's my previous post on this with links on repairing the CCFLs: CCFL Backlight Repair and Information...

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Doesn't seem to be anything related to the display itself, cause if I bend the computer (where the logic board is) the problem doesn't happen. Maybe a connector from the logic board to the display? I'm not sure... Don't you agree?


Try reseating your display data cable to the logic board


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