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Fan shaped dirt at the top of my screen 2.16 intel

I have an intel 2.16 24" iMac and at the top of the screen there is an upside-down sun burst of dirt between the LCD and the protective plastic that covers it. Is it possible to separate the actual LCD from the plastic so I can clean the stripes? This is the older white plastic "Pizza Box" version.

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Выбранное решение

On this iMac model there is no extra part between the LCD and protective film. This seems like something on the LCD. I would think you have to change the LCD. This is not very difficult and you can find a good used on on ebay.

I found some for you here:


The Apple part no. is 661-4184 (see the parts here: http://www.welovemacs.com/apim242inco2.h... )

Here is the guide. Take your time and use your fingers a lot, don't be tempted to use force.

iMac Intel 24" EMC 2111 LCD Replacement

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Thanks, i kinda thought that was going to be the answer, not bad enough yet to need replacing. thanks for the help and the links, I will check them out

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