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Model A1311 / Mid 2010 / 3.06 & 3.2 GHz Core i3 or 3.6 GHz Core i5 Processor

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Not turning on after reassemble

Hello, my iMac isn’t turning on after I reassembled it.

The testing LEDs work weird:

When I connect power cable to iMac LED 1 is blinking 1 time and then turning on.

When I press the power button, LED 1 is turning off.

No other LEDs are turning on.

The PSU unit is making some humming noises when is connected to power

What could be a reason for such a behaviour?

Thanks a lot for answering!

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What did you do that required opening the system?


@danj I changed thermal paste on CPU and GPU + replaced HDD and DVD ROM with 2 SSDs


Did you use proper ESD protection?


@danj unfortunately no, I don't have any


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Your power supply is not working correctly. As to why given what you’ve added I would suspect you have either a damaged cables or a bad SSD.

Best to backwind your changes, disconnect from the logic boar the cable connections are you belt o get the onboard diagnostics to get to the graphics test (without the display mounted).

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I tried to disconnect everything form motherboard except psu, GPU, CPU and one unit of RAM, nothing changed.

So I assume I have to buy new PSU, right?


At this point that's what I would do. But, I use ESD precautions. Here your logic board could be damaged as well.

You'll need to start with this and then hope for the best.

Used - iMac 21.5" Power Supply 205W, Apple P/N 661-5299


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