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Repair information on hard drives or hard disks. Hard drives are magnetic data storage devices. They are used in most desktop, laptop, and server due to their low cost and high data density.

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Hard drive wont show up, used to click but now just spins

I have a Western Digital Raptor 1500ADFD hard drive that died back in 2009. There was a week where it was clicking but still functioning normally. While i was on a trip it kicked the bucket.

I recently bought a USB to SATA adapter and was hoping to see if I could get anything off of it. The drive will power up and spin no problem but my computer doesn’t detect it. I have tried different computers but the result is the same. My IT guy at work thought swapping the PCB board might work and that was a dead end.

I bought an identical working Raptor 1500ADFD which was detected by my computer and tried the PCB board swap on that it also didn’t work.

I saw something on the internets where i could swap the RAM chip onto a different PCB board and that might do the trick. Since it isn’t clicking any more i am guessing something internally is wrong with the drive? Any insight would be nice, I don’t feel like dropping a couple grand to get the data off if i have alternatives.

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If it’s clicking, it’s something mechanically inside the sealed drive unit.

Don’t bother repairing it, repairing mechanical issues in the sealed drive unit exceed the cost of getting a dozen new ones, with very poor reliability results, so nobody is doing it, not even the original manufacturer.

Professional data recovery services cost a few grands, just to get the drive working for a few hours, long enough to read out the data, afterwards the drive is toast.

RAM chip must be you misheard something, they probably meant the firmware flash or EEPROM chip, some drives require the original calibration data stored inside the chip to work, so just swapping the controller board won’t work, you have to swap the board, but retain the original firmware chip. However as I said, since the drive is already mechanically dead, don’t bother.

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It doesn't click anymore.

It spins up and sounds like a normal hard drive. It sounds just like the duplicate drive I bought. It just doesn't connect to the PC.


Clicking is a hardware problem. My guess is the reading heads. As said above, if you want data go for data recovery specialist as they are capable of doing a head swap replacement to recover data from.

You only get one chance at recovering data and if you screw it up when attempting to repair by opening it chances of recovery by anyone is almost 0%.

Question is whether or not the data is worth $1K-$2K for you.


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